Decorative Folk Art as seen in kanthan is the best proof of the integration of inherited aesthetics in the hand of the woman folk artist. The result, a thrilling extravaganza of folk symbols, stiched into the vibrant surface of embroidered wraps and spread by women of village communities, irrespective of their religious beliefs.
This year(2005) we review the works of last year, and set 70 more arsenic free water wells in Faridpur and Noakhali districts.Besides women project made unexpected advance. We are surprised to see that our little effort had a big impact on thousands of poor rural people. But we could not do enough to all. Green Party (Heinrich Boel Stiftung) in Germany even did not reply to our letters. But they financed Bangladeshis to take part in street festival in Berlin.
Chelation and Recommendation
Some physicians have been giving chelation therapy to arsenic patients in West Bengal and Bangladesh. The objective of chelation therapy is provide the patient with a chemical to which arsenic binds strongly, and is then excreted in urine. Providing such treatment could remove large stores of arsenic from the body in a matter of hours. There are several problems with chelation therapy in cases of chronic arsenic exposure.
The first is related to the observation that arsenic is excreted rapidly even without chelation therapy. Most of the readily available arsenic in the body will be excreted in the urine within 1 week. The question is whether chelation might remove arsenic which is, for example, bound in the skin and which might without chelation only be removed slowly. This is possible but exposure to arsenic generally occurs over many years, and chelation may make little difference to the cumulative dose of arsenic that patients have received. Thus, chelation therapy is unlikely to reduce the future risk of cancer. Whether it might improve keratoses more rapidly than simply stopping exposure is unknown. This idea has some plausibility but its effectiveness has not been established.
The second problem with chelation therapy is the lack of any clinical trials that found evidence of its effectiveness. When exposure to arsenic ceases, improvement in skin lesions might occur. Thus, if a patient improves after chelation therapy it could be due to the cessation of exposure alone or to both cessation and chelation therapy. (Finding that patients improve after chelation therapy does not provide evidence that the therapy) itself is effective.
The third problem with chelation therapy is that it is of no benefit if the patient continues to drink contaminated water after treatment, and it may give the false impression that effects can be treated despite continued exposure.
Advanced keratoses on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are extremely debilitating, and superimposed infections, such as fungal infections, may cause serious problems. Providing moisturizing lotions and treatment for infections may be beneficial and should be part of routine care in advanced cases
Arsenic is a probable contributor to causation of diabetes mellitus. For this reason, urinary glucose should be tested in all patients with arsenicosis, and appropriate treatment and monitoring should be started if necessary. Patients' blood pressure should also be monitored since arsenic exposure may induce hypertension.
OUR RECOMMENDATION - Alternative to Expensive Medicine
Improving nutrition may be of benefit to patients. In particular, vitamin A is known to be beneficial in the differentiation of various tissues, particularly the skin
We discovered that those who began to drink arsenic free water and improved diat (tumeric, jute leaves, and Amla have stated a new life.
Neem (Azadirachta indica )The Wonder Plant
The tree has relieved so many different pains, fevers, infections, and other complaints that it has been called "the village pharmacy." Now modern research is proving what has been long known by Ayurvedic medicine practitioners: neem is one of the most effective plant medicines in the world. An extremely powerful blood purifying agent and detoxicant, neem is also effective in the treatment of fever, malaria, skin diseases, dental problems, diabetes, tumors, arthritis, and jaundice. Research conducted by, among others, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has shown that Azadirachtin A offers protection against more than 130 insects, while it is partly active against more than 70 other insects. The use of neem has almost disappeared in the country. We intend to popularise to plant neem tree and use it as home pharmacy and bio-pesticide.
Haldi- Turmeric- Curcuma long
To most Indians and Bengalis, turmeric or halud (Bengali)/ haldi (Hindi), is a part of growing up, a magic cure-all for the excesses of childhood. A classic "grand mother's remedy', the virulent yellow powder or paste has been applied to scrapes and cuts of generations of children Turmeric has found to be antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral etc.
Emblica Emblic Myrobalan Bengali Amloki
Emblica Emblic Myrobalan Bengali Amloki fresh or dried fruits of this tree are used as laxative and in treatment of enlarged liver, piles, stomach complain, pain in eyes etc. It is a very rich source of vitamin C. Certain experiments on patients of pulmonory tuberculosis showed that vitamin C of Emblica fruits is more quickly assimilated in human system than synthetic vitamin C. Flowers, roots and bark of the tree are also medicinal, seeds are reported to cure asthma and stomach disorder (S. K. Jain, 2001).This fruit is a great asset for the arsenic patients. Instead of taking expensive imported tablets, Embelic is very cheap and more effective and every one can grow the plant at home.
Jute Leaf (Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius)
Jute leafs are traditional known as vegetable but its medical effects are not known. Two species of jute (Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius) are being cultivated in Bangladesh. Capsularis (deshi) has maximum use as vegetable thanOlo itorius (Tossa) due to its bitter taste. Jute leaves are being used as vegetables in Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh for a long time. Besides, it is also used as herbal medicine to control or prevent dysentery, worm and constipation etc. Jute leaves are being used as health-food in Japan. Jute leave is rich in vitamins, carotinoids, calcium, potassium and dietary fibers. Jute leaf contains antitumor promoters; Phytol and Monogalactosyl-diacylglycerol. It may reduce risk of cancer. Jute leaves are very cheap both fresh and dry leaves can be very useful.
Home Garden - To Save Herbs and Traditional Plants from Extinction
Case study - Example
Arsenic Removal Filter from tube wells (Tubewell Sand Filter):A vertical column consisting of three chambers brick chips or iron chips, coarse sand, fine sand are the elements of Tubewell Sand Filter. This has been introduced by several NGOs and government orginisations. In Faridpur near Tulagram (left: picture) a TSF has been very recently constructed by NGO Forum. The villagers paid Tk.3000 and the total cost is about Tk. 50, 000/. We examined the water and found arsenic concentration 70 µg/l, in other words, it should be painted red.We saw that villagers were wasing brick chips, sands with pond water, in other words, contaminating with colio and other bacteria.We found several other filters (TSF) at Aliabad, Bakunda are abondoned.The NGO Forum maintains close collaboration with all relevant government agencies (DPHE, NIPSOM, LGED, etc.), Universities, UN bodies (UNICEF, World Bank, etc.), Donors, DPHE-DANIDA, BAMWSP, as well as other NGOs. The NGO Forum is playing a vital role in the Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project (BAMWSP) as a member of the steering committee as well as in project implementation including selection of Partner NGOs and CBOs for any area selected. What a misuse of money!
Available technologies for arsenic treatment:
No monitoring of a break through is required. Relatively low cost simple chemicals. Low capital costs.
Serious short and long term problems with toxic sludge. Multiple chemicals requirement Operation requires training and discipline.
Alum coagulation
Durable powder chemicals normally available
Efficient pre-oxidation is a must
Iron coagulation
More efficient than alum on weigh basis
Medium removal of As (III)
Lime softening
Most common chemicals
Re-adjustment of pH is required.
Sorption techniques:
No daily sludge problem.
Requires monitoring of break through or filter use. Requires periodical regeneration or medium shift.
Activated alumina
Relatively well known and commercially available.
Re-adjustment of pH is required.
Iron coated sand
Expected to be cheap. No regeneration is required.
Yet to be standardized. Toxic solid waste.
Ion exchange resin
Well defined medium and hence capacity.
High cost medium. High tech operation & maintenance. Regeneration creates a sludge problem.
Membrane techniques:
Low space requirement. Capable of removal of other contaminants, if any.
High running costs. High investment costs. High tech operation and maintenance. Toxic wastewater. Re-adjustment water quality is required.
Reverse Osmosis
Membrane does not withstand oxidizing agents.
This year(2005) we review the works of last year, and set 70 more arsenic free water wells in Faridpur and Noakhali districts.Besides women project made unexpected advance. We are surprised to see that our little effort had a big impact on thousands of poor rural people. But we could not do enough to all. Green Party (Heinrich Boel Stiftung) in Germany even did not reply to our letters. But they financed Bangladeshis to take part in street festival in Berlin.
Chelation and Recommendation
Some physicians have been giving chelation therapy to arsenic patients in West Bengal and Bangladesh. The objective of chelation therapy is provide the patient with a chemical to which arsenic binds strongly, and is then excreted in urine. Providing such treatment could remove large stores of arsenic from the body in a matter of hours. There are several problems with chelation therapy in cases of chronic arsenic exposure.
The first is related to the observation that arsenic is excreted rapidly even without chelation therapy. Most of the readily available arsenic in the body will be excreted in the urine within 1 week. The question is whether chelation might remove arsenic which is, for example, bound in the skin and which might without chelation only be removed slowly. This is possible but exposure to arsenic generally occurs over many years, and chelation may make little difference to the cumulative dose of arsenic that patients have received. Thus, chelation therapy is unlikely to reduce the future risk of cancer. Whether it might improve keratoses more rapidly than simply stopping exposure is unknown. This idea has some plausibility but its effectiveness has not been established.
The second problem with chelation therapy is the lack of any clinical trials that found evidence of its effectiveness. When exposure to arsenic ceases, improvement in skin lesions might occur. Thus, if a patient improves after chelation therapy it could be due to the cessation of exposure alone or to both cessation and chelation therapy. (Finding that patients improve after chelation therapy does not provide evidence that the therapy) itself is effective.
The third problem with chelation therapy is that it is of no benefit if the patient continues to drink contaminated water after treatment, and it may give the false impression that effects can be treated despite continued exposure.
Advanced keratoses on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are extremely debilitating, and superimposed infections, such as fungal infections, may cause serious problems. Providing moisturizing lotions and treatment for infections may be beneficial and should be part of routine care in advanced cases
Arsenic is a probable contributor to causation of diabetes mellitus. For this reason, urinary glucose should be tested in all patients with arsenicosis, and appropriate treatment and monitoring should be started if necessary. Patients' blood pressure should also be monitored since arsenic exposure may induce hypertension.
OUR RECOMMENDATION - Alternative to Expensive Medicine
Improving nutrition may be of benefit to patients. In particular, vitamin A is known to be beneficial in the differentiation of various tissues, particularly the skin
We discovered that those who began to drink arsenic free water and improved diat (tumeric, jute leaves, and Amla have stated a new life.
Neem (Azadirachta indica )The Wonder Plant
The tree has relieved so many different pains, fevers, infections, and other complaints that it has been called "the village pharmacy." Now modern research is proving what has been long known by Ayurvedic medicine practitioners: neem is one of the most effective plant medicines in the world. An extremely powerful blood purifying agent and detoxicant, neem is also effective in the treatment of fever, malaria, skin diseases, dental problems, diabetes, tumors, arthritis, and jaundice. Research conducted by, among others, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has shown that Azadirachtin A offers protection against more than 130 insects, while it is partly active against more than 70 other insects. The use of neem has almost disappeared in the country. We intend to popularise to plant neem tree and use it as home pharmacy and bio-pesticide.
Haldi- Turmeric- Curcuma long
To most Indians and Bengalis, turmeric or halud (Bengali)/ haldi (Hindi), is a part of growing up, a magic cure-all for the excesses of childhood. A classic "grand mother's remedy', the virulent yellow powder or paste has been applied to scrapes and cuts of generations of children Turmeric has found to be antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral etc.
Emblica Emblic Myrobalan Bengali Amloki
Emblica Emblic Myrobalan Bengali Amloki fresh or dried fruits of this tree are used as laxative and in treatment of enlarged liver, piles, stomach complain, pain in eyes etc. It is a very rich source of vitamin C. Certain experiments on patients of pulmonory tuberculosis showed that vitamin C of Emblica fruits is more quickly assimilated in human system than synthetic vitamin C. Flowers, roots and bark of the tree are also medicinal, seeds are reported to cure asthma and stomach disorder (S. K. Jain, 2001).This fruit is a great asset for the arsenic patients. Instead of taking expensive imported tablets, Embelic is very cheap and more effective and every one can grow the plant at home.
Jute Leaf (Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius)
Jute leafs are traditional known as vegetable but its medical effects are not known. Two species of jute (Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius) are being cultivated in Bangladesh. Capsularis (deshi) has maximum use as vegetable thanOlo itorius (Tossa) due to its bitter taste. Jute leaves are being used as vegetables in Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh for a long time. Besides, it is also used as herbal medicine to control or prevent dysentery, worm and constipation etc. Jute leaves are being used as health-food in Japan. Jute leave is rich in vitamins, carotinoids, calcium, potassium and dietary fibers. Jute leaf contains antitumor promoters; Phytol and Monogalactosyl-diacylglycerol. It may reduce risk of cancer. Jute leaves are very cheap both fresh and dry leaves can be very useful.
Home Garden - To Save Herbs and Traditional Plants from Extinction
Case study - Example
Arsenic Removal Filter from tube wells (Tubewell Sand Filter):A vertical column consisting of three chambers brick chips or iron chips, coarse sand, fine sand are the elements of Tubewell Sand Filter. This has been introduced by several NGOs and government orginisations. In Faridpur near Tulagram (left: picture) a TSF has been very recently constructed by NGO Forum. The villagers paid Tk.3000 and the total cost is about Tk. 50, 000/. We examined the water and found arsenic concentration 70 µg/l, in other words, it should be painted red.We saw that villagers were wasing brick chips, sands with pond water, in other words, contaminating with colio and other bacteria.We found several other filters (TSF) at Aliabad, Bakunda are abondoned.The NGO Forum maintains close collaboration with all relevant government agencies (DPHE, NIPSOM, LGED, etc.), Universities, UN bodies (UNICEF, World Bank, etc.), Donors, DPHE-DANIDA, BAMWSP, as well as other NGOs. The NGO Forum is playing a vital role in the Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project (BAMWSP) as a member of the steering committee as well as in project implementation including selection of Partner NGOs and CBOs for any area selected. What a misuse of money!
Available technologies for arsenic treatment:
No monitoring of a break through is required. Relatively low cost simple chemicals. Low capital costs.
Serious short and long term problems with toxic sludge. Multiple chemicals requirement Operation requires training and discipline.
Alum coagulation
Durable powder chemicals normally available
Efficient pre-oxidation is a must
Iron coagulation
More efficient than alum on weigh basis
Medium removal of As (III)
Lime softening
Most common chemicals
Re-adjustment of pH is required.
Sorption techniques:
No daily sludge problem.
Requires monitoring of break through or filter use. Requires periodical regeneration or medium shift.
Activated alumina
Relatively well known and commercially available.
Re-adjustment of pH is required.
Iron coated sand
Expected to be cheap. No regeneration is required.
Yet to be standardized. Toxic solid waste.
Ion exchange resin
Well defined medium and hence capacity.
High cost medium. High tech operation & maintenance. Regeneration creates a sludge problem.
Membrane techniques:
Low space requirement. Capable of removal of other contaminants, if any.
High running costs. High investment costs. High tech operation and maintenance. Toxic wastewater. Re-adjustment water quality is required.
Reverse Osmosis
Membrane does not withstand oxidizing agents.
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